sin, helping hand

The Ripple Effect

So I did a wrong thing the other day.

We are in the process of doing some renovations and to save money I decided to get rid of the rubbish into our household bin. And not only ours, but our neighbours, not just a couple but quite a lot!

As the bins were already out in the street, I didn’t see any harm in it. But apparently adding cement into the bins is illegal. I plead ignorance to this, I didn’t know.

Then a few weeks later we get a knock on the door from our local council, I’d been videoed, and the fine was $4000. Thankfully they issued a warning only.

But what happened next was the ripple effect. There were feuding neighbours down the street, and one thought the other had put the cement in their bin. They called the council to report them. The innocent neighbour was obviously distraught with this accusation, but thankfully a third party came to the rescue and solved the case by sharing the real culprit- me.

This just showed me how our actions have consequences, and while I’d like to stop the results of this, that would be like catching prisoners from a jail breakout, near impossible. It made me realise how far reaching our actions can be, without even knowing it, I’d created heart ache in others’ lives.

It’d be much better to make hearts happy by doing good, that’s where I want to spend my time. So, if I can learn from this and do better, this will be a valuable lesson in my own growth.

How about you? Have you ever done something that you wish you hadn’t?

May God Bless you, Vetti x