Imparting Self-awareness to children
10 September 2024’d had a bad day at work and one of my children was testing my patience. Acting like a child myself, I shouted unfairly to her. Her response? “Just because you are having a bad day, doesn’t mean you should take it out on me.”
This was an opportunity for me to enact self-awareness; which is to “reflect conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires.”
And she was right. I released my frustrations and anger on to her.
When we can acknowledge this to ourselves and to others it really helps the person we are in relationship with; whether that’s a spouse, child or friend. It’s not weakness to share our emotions, it’s actually a strength. Humbling yourself takes courage.
If we don’t recognise our own failings then how can we expect others to be self-aware?
So what’s the best way to teach our children self-awareness?
1. Do it ourselves.
Has our ego taken a hit when we got a demotion? say it.
Are we feeling left out by not being invited to a party? Let our spouse/child know.
Are we jealous because we want a new car that our neighbour has? Recognise it.
When we role model self-awareness to our children it will explain our behaviour, and they will see this as a ‘normal’ and right thing to do.
2. Talk to our children about how they are feeling. Let them know that it is valid to feel that way.
3. Teach them empathy. How is the other child feeling? What is their situation?
Parenting can be the toughest job in the world, but it’s also the most rewarding. Hang in there Mumma and Dadda, you’ve got this. It’s never too late to make changes and do things better.
Blessings Vetti x