Family Services
Practical and emotional support for families.

Supported Playgroups
St George Supported Playgroups is a DCJ funded, Targeted Early Intervention program. The Playgroups works with families who have children birth to 5 years old who live in the Southeast district of Sydney (parts of Bayside council and Georges River).
Each supported playgroup has a trained Early Learning worker, Child support and Community support staff, Family Support.
Integricare supported playgroup creates a physical programmed space, on a weekly basis, for local parents / carers and children to meet, socialise, play and learn in a semi-structured, strength based, safe environment.
Supported Playgroups seek to:
- Create an informal parental support network
- Strengthen community connections
- Offer targeted experiences/activities to support children’s social, emotional, cognitive, physical and communication development
- Deliver useful parenting information and parenting workshops from local services
- Refer families to other support services when required
- Strength engagement and access into local services Support a successful transition to school with the Getting Kindy Ready Program
For more information or to access services, please contact the St George Playgroups Team on 9567 4977 or 0438 268 871. You can also email the team directly at sgspsmanager@integricare.org.au.

Family Team
Our Parenting and Family Team provide a variety of support to families with child/children between the ages of 0 and 8 years so they can build better futures for their children.
The Parenting and family team focus on delivering responsive and flexible support for early assistance and into support services that meet the needs of children, young people, families, and communities.
Working one to one family in strength-based practice our team can support families to identify their immediate needs and support them through a case management process.
We also support:
- Parents/carers with information
- Referrals
- Access to internal and external support groups/parenting programs
- Assisting families towards open pathways to other services in the community
- Home visiting and outreach visiting service
For more information or to access services, please contact the Parenting and Family Team on 9599 7821 or 0437 769 336. You can also email the team directly at fwsgmanager@integricare.org.au.
Contact your nearest service for more information.