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Christian Learning,

Transition Times

15 March 2023

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Ephesians 4:2

It’s that time of year- school holidays are over and so the weather fines up and the traffic backs up- argh! The first day of school or preschool brings a range of emotions – jitters, excitement, teary goodbyes, and nervous hellos; and that’s just the mums 🙂

I remember one of my children’s first days; I was holding my 1- and 2-year-old in my arms, and Liam (my 5 year old) was glued on my back like a koala bear, he didn’t want to go to school! Feeling like an inadequate parent, I had to call the teacher over to prise him off! Oh, my that was a difficult day.

So, what’s the best way to support families as they navigate this transition time?

  1. Take the time to listen and connect with the parent
  2. Chat to the child, ask them what they’d like to do or let them know the fun things they’ll be doing
  3. If appropriate, share your story to encourage them that these emotions are all quite normal
  4. Give feedback on their child during the day if necessary or at pick up time
But what’s the real problem here?

We need to remember that while it may not be possible to fix their problem, the fact that we care enough to try, goes a long way to helping them belong to our community. And isn’t that the deeper need that we all have as humans? The need to be loved.

Recently I was chatting to a mother, and she apologised for her child’s messy hair. I reassured her by telling the story of my child, encouraged her that’s just the outward appearance. That our job as parents is to prioritise the inside character, virtues like honesty and kindness. The parent was visibly relieved, but more than that I think she felt loved.

And isn’t that what God wants us to do? Share the love that he first gave to us? There really is no better feeling.

Question: What family needs a little extra love from you today?

Be blessed. Yvette Wynne

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