suffering, joy, peace

Finding Joy when Life is Tough

Life can be like a roller coaster, one minute you’re sailing through enjoying the thrill, next minute there’s an unexpected twist that throws you off balance.

That happened this weekend as we were enjoying the serenity when we got a phone call. My husband’s dad was rushed to hospital suffering a stroke. His independence is now under threat; life changes so rapidly, but I don’t need to tell you that. I’m sure you have felt similar.

Our hearts are heavy, and we cannot fix the situation, so how can we steady ourselves as our world tumbles out of control?

This Bible verse springs to mind: “The joy of the Lord is my strength”. But as my joy has never really been under threat, I’d never really thought about it. Now I’m in a situation that joy is elusive I find this a hard verse to comprehend.

I want to be strong. And in this verse, God is giving us knowledge on how to be strong. It’s something to do with joy. Maybe I should search God to find the joy in Him? Find all the places where Jesus has; healed the sick, comforted the broken hearted, given words of wisdom, calmed the storm, walked with those who are grieving and how he has fulfilled prophecy.

And when I do this, I am comforted. I can find a deep joy in knowing that Jesus is well aware of our life, and he has trodden the path of pain before us. He has endured all the suffering because of the future joy of living in heaven with His Father.

I can find joy and therefore be stronger to help others around me, to guide them to the path that Jesus trod- The path of pain that leads to peace.

Bless you this week, Love vetti x