Christian Learning

  • Today’s escapades at the Early Learning Centre was building a castle using ALL the blocks! This was not an easy task! We started strong but the block placement by my fellow workers was not ideal. The tower was growing higher, but not stable. We needed......

  • Training truthfulness in our children was extremely important to us; being able to trust our child’s words when they got older and independent was paramount. So, when our 5-year-old child started lying, it was a big deal for us. And no matter how much I......

  • Hi there, I’ve had some time away on holidays and I’ve come to realize two significant things: 1.Relationships are invaluable. While we may seek out extraordinary experiences, they’re even more enjoyable when shared with others. During our travels, we witnessed many people relishing their experiences......

  • Abraham Lincoln gave his Gettysburg address in 1863 which is still referenced today, he ended with the iconic line, “That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall......

  • Being flexible allows you to calmly adapt to a constantly changing world, much like Paul did in the Bible when he shared the message of Jesus with those he encountered. Similar to how an adult communicates with a baby, Paul met people where they were,......

  • When our children were small, I ran Playgroup at our local church. I didn’t so much love the set up and pack up, but I loved the relationships built with other mums and dads. One particular mother had a 2 year old with a brain......

  • Our daughter was getting married last year on a budget, so wanted our family car to take her to the wedding instead of hiring a fancy car. Our family car is a 30 year old Landcruiser with 500 000 kms on the clock- held together......

  • The 4th stanza of For the Fallen, is commonly used during Anzac Day services, but the rest of the poem and the author is often overlooked. Here’s some background to shed some light on Binyon and his poem. Binyon wrote this poem merely a month......

  • This week’s shenanigans saw me (and Hubby) on our motorcycles cruising through 5 red lights in the main street of Orange in a pack of gangs, some Outlaw bikies. This is probably not the usual thing for a Chaplain to be doing. But context is......

  • It’s always good to be a learner, especially if it involves some insight about yourself. What I’ve discovered about me is that I’m quite an anxious person. I don’t think I used to be, but life and experience has changed me. But I certainly get......

  • Ahab was a very rich ruler who loved himself more than he loved his people. Surveying all that he owned, he was not satisfied with his magnificent estate. He craved a nearby vineyard owned by Naboth and was desperate to buy it. He approached Naboth......

  • The Benefits of Camping: A Lesson in Gratefulness Vacations are a fantastic way to recharge, but the cost can quickly add up if done frequently. As someone who seeks value for money, I’d rather spend nothing on a campfire in the wilderness than $300 a......

  • The Significance of Jesus’ Humble Birth in a Manger As time passes, the story of Jesus’ birth in a manger can become so familiar that we forget the significance of God choosing to enter our world in a dirty stable with scratchy straw. God could......

  • While many individuals view reality TV as trash, it can actually be enlightening. Observing how individuals communicate their arguments to others can be a valuable learning experience. Unfortunately, some people have a tendency to twist the story and paint themselves as victims, even when they......

  • Darrell Lee Clark was 17 years old when he was arrested for the fatal shooting of 15 year old boy. Just over 25 years later, in 2022, he was released from prison after more evidenced came to light which proved his innocence. This was uncovered......