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Being thoughtful of others image
Christian Learning,

Being thoughtful of others

26 April 2023

Our daughter was getting married last year on a budget, so wanted our family car to take her to the wedding instead of hiring a fancy car. Our family car is a 30 year old Landcruiser with 500 000 kms on the clock- held together by grime and dirt, there was a lot of work to clean it up!

So we were thrilled when a beautiful soul from our bible study group, along with her husband, offered to wash and polish our car. The couple spent eight hours detailing the car, delivering it back to us with a card and flowers – it was a beautiful and practical gesture that we will always remember.

So, what made this couple and others like them so thoughtful? Here are a few things to consider:

-Making time in the day to think of others.

-Asking people how they are doing. Note the tone of their response, not just their words.

-Listen to people’s stories; it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realise if someone is new to your team or area, they are looking to fit in and find a friend. Be one!

-Be observant; who is missing? Why are they missing? Do they need a text to know they are loved? In my opinion I’ve never been told I’m missed too many times 😉

-If someone lets you know they are anxious about a health checkup/interview or similar, then follow up!

The same couple who washed our car are now grieving with the loss of their mother. I’m sure they will be flooded with flowers and kind acts as they have both given so much to others. I for one am off to buy them flowers today. It’s moments like these that makes our life more meaningful; to love and be loved.

Question for your team: Is there someone that needs a kind word or small gift today?

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves”. Philippians 2:3

Be blessed as you think of others today, Yvette Wynne

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