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Context is Key image
Christian Learning,

Context is Key

12 April 2023

This week’s shenanigans saw me (and Hubby) on our motorcycles cruising through 5 red lights in the main street of Orange in a pack of gangs, some Outlaw bikies. This is probably not the usual thing for a Chaplain to be doing.

But context is everything isn’t it? Knowing the circumstances can keep us from being judgmental, no matter what facts are presented to us.

Actually, we were in a funeral cavalcade of a good friend, Baz, who belonged to the God Squad, a Christian bikie group which ministers to the 1%ers. (Members of an outlaw motorcycle club derived from the statement “99% of motorcyclists are law-abiding citizens”).

Baz was an amazing man, and his life cut too short when travelling down to Victoria with the God Squad; a spill of diesel turned the wet road into a skating rink. 8 riders came off and Baz was the only fatality. He had just turned 50! Baz found a real relationship with Jesus when he was around 30, and for 20 years Baz oozed Jesus to everyone he met.

The depth of his love was incredible, he rang 1 man (Luke) every day for 8 years at 8.30am because he made a promise to God not to leave him alone. Now that’s perseverance! Luke has since left the outlaw motorcycle gang he belonged to and gave his life to Jesus, bravely telling others of his journey and calling them also to follow Jesus.

So what does this mean for us today? I guess there’s a few take homes.

-Make everyday count, we don’t know when it’s our last.

-Look at the surrounding situation before casting judgements.

-Share Jesus- whether it’s by word or deed, whenever you can.

Question: When was the last time you made a judgement call? Does it help to look at the bigger picture?

“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit”. Psalm 34:18.

Blessings, Yvette Wynne

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