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The First Christmas image
Christian Learning,

The First Christmas

05 April 2023

The Significance of Jesus’ Humble Birth in a Manger

As time passes, the story of Jesus’ birth in a manger can become so familiar that we forget the significance of God choosing to enter our world in a dirty stable with scratchy straw. God could have arranged for Jesus to be born in a grand palace; as the wise men assumed when they followed the star and initially visited King Herod’s palace in search of the newborn king.

But instead, after the birth of Jesus, God sent angels to announce the arrival of the Messiah. Who did they appear to? Not the people in the palace, but the shepherds tending their flocks in the fields. These sheep were likely to be used as sacrifices in the temple.

You see, it had been prophesied that someone would come and be led like a lamb to slaughter (Jeremiah 11:19; Isaiah 53:7), and Jesus was later referred to as the “Lamb of God” (John 1:29). Therefore, it was significant that the shepherds, whose job was to care for the lambs and sheep, were the first to learn of Jesus’ birth. He was to be the ultimate lamb for sacrifice.

God communicates with us constantly, sometimes in subtle ways and other times in Captain Obvious ways. This Christmas, the message we hope you hear from God is that He is good, and He wants to be your Forever Father.

Food for Thought: What messages are you intentionally or unintentionally conveying to others, whether subtly or obviously?

Blessings Yvette Wynne

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Christmas Time is not always Joyful image
Christian Learning,

Christmas Time is not always Joyful

15 March 2023

Therefore, the Lord Himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14

As a child, Christmas was always a happy time, who can resist present openings and eating yummy food, plus all the adults in my world seemed to be in fun mode.

But as I’ve grown older, I’ve come to realise that Christmas can be quite traumatic for many people; financial hardship, separation, family breakdowns and health issues can be exacerbated at this time. If this is you, what are some things you can do?

Here’s some fun things:

  • Be prepared, make your day special by organising for a friend to be with- you may be surprised at who else is by themselves.
  • Attend a church service.
  • Prepare a fun cooking activity- I like the sound of making a “Gingerbread house” out of Tim Tams!
  • Make a fun craft.
  • Deliver homemade biscuits to your neighbours on the day.
  • Dance in the kitchen, on the coffee table or outside in nature. (I’ve done the nature dancing a few times when no one is around and it’s really amazing how great you feel after!)
  • Buy a special outfit for the day, even if you’re the only one to see it- but that won’t be the case because you’ll be out walking or attending church 😉

Here’s some meditative activities:

  • Make a list of all the good things in your life to be thankful for, thank God for these.
  • Listen to music, worship music is particularly good. (when I’m really depressed I buy a whole album! I’ve got a few 😊)
  • Light a scented candle.
  • Go for a walk in nature.
  • Reach out to someone, Lifeline or Beyond Blue are a great start.

Just remember this is just one day of the year, this too will pass.

You’ve got this- because God’s got you.

Be Blessed. Yvette Wynne

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