The Wonder of Creation
28 May 2024Hi there, I’ve had some time away on holidays and I’ve come to realize two significant things:
1.Relationships are invaluable. While we may seek out extraordinary experiences, they’re even more enjoyable when shared with others. During our travels, we witnessed many people relishing their experiences with loved ones. Even mundane moments can be transformed into something special when we interact with others, whether we know them or not.
For instance, while camping at a particular site, we came across a fire pit with chairs. Though someone else was there, enjoying the moment, I couldn’t resist the allure of a good fire. We started chatting, and soon more people joined in. These individuals were locals, and we delighted in sharing what it’s like to live in each other’s worlds. It was a unique perspective that allowed me to see the world through someone else’s eyes and appreciate it even more.
2.The wonders of creation are awe-inspiring. The unpredictability of creatures makes them even more fascinating. What will that octopus do while sitting on someone’s arm? What lies beneath the 3,000 feet of water I’m floating on?
While staying with some friends who live on a hilltop, we observed a Bald Eagle flying over a lake. From our vantage point on the balcony, I waved and said out loud, “Hey buddy come over here, let me see how big you are”. As if to respond, the eagle turned course and flew towards us, doing a fly-past with its mouth open, as if to say, “Dang girlie, check out my wingspan.” These moments are fun and remind me to appreciate every instant.
Question for your team: What about you? What do you appreciate in nature? Blessings, Vetti x
But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31
Dear Lord, thank you for your wonderful creation which provides so many opportunities to think about their Creator, YOU! Amen