Conversation Starters for your Family
12 August 2020Have you had the same conversations as my family at the dinner table?
“How much do I have to eat”?
“Why can’t we have pizza every night”?
“But I don’t like it”! – I must admit this one had some merit. Sometimes my cooking was pretty bad and if you mention “vegetarian lasagna” even now, they may have visceral reactions. However, I did have some mercy on them, if 3 out of the 4 children didn’t like the food, we’d order pizza. Lol.
But one day I was so tired of these conversations that I painted a vision of what I’d like to hear at the dinner table. Conversations about how great the day was, and what we want to do with our life. After this, I never remember having another conversation about how much food to eat.
Well, friends, parents, here is a quality idea so you don’t have to go through the same heartache! All you need to do is print it out these FREE placements (maybe laminate or contact it). Then use it for conversation starters at the dinner table! Genius! Check it out here
Please note this maybe for older siblings more than your preschooler. There is also a variety of languages too! How good is that?
Blessings, Yvette Wynne